An Analysis by C2 Clarity Media Over the past year, transparency in advertising has become the “big topic” of discussion. But is it really new and why is it such a front-burner issue now? Through a review in this […]
An Analysis by C2 Clarity Media Over the past year, transparency in advertising has become the “big topic” of discussion. But is it really new and why is it such a front-burner issue now? Through a review in this […]
An Analysis by C2 Clarity Media Over the past year, transparency in advertising has become the “big topic” of discussion. But is it really new and why is it such a front-burner issue now? Our series covering transparency […]
An Analysis by C2 Clarity Media Over the past year, transparency in advertising has become the “big topic” of discussion. But is it really new and why is it such a front-burner issue now? Our series covering transparency […] GUEST:Programmatic TV: 3 Challenges Holding Back Adoption From: By Gerry Sutton, CEO, Adstream Programmatic technology — the data-driven automation of audience-based ad buys — has the potential to fundamentally change TV advertising. It can invert the current industry standard, where marketers rely on […]
In the age of a personal user being able to login with a single sign-on (usually Facebook or Google) can see all media they have posted. Additionally, they can share/send/download and even edit in some cases along with all of the meta-data associated with it (creation date/who is in it/where it was taken/custom fields) all for free. I can even connect two completely different platforms easily with a couple of clicks and have them share information.
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